Mission Statement Of Southwest Prophecy Ministries

The purpose of Southwest Prophecy Ministries is to equip end-time saints by providing biblically accurate prophetic information as well as timely and truthful patriotic information.

The accomplishment of this purpose involves the following priorities: To evangelize those outside Christian belief, to educate Christians in the doctrines of the Christian faith, to exalt the Gospel of grace, to clearly expound Bible prophecy, and to energize Christians toward strategic action in the end-times.

At SWPM, we want to have a balanced emphasis on looking and occupying. We believe the Bible teaches that we are to be “looking for that blessed hope, even the appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13). At the same time, Jesus told us that we are to be “occupying until he comes” (Luke 19:13).

As believers, we are to be evangelizing, baptizing and discipling people in all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). Additionally, through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, we are to be hindering evil until we are caught up to be with Christ prior to the Tribulation (2 Thessalonians 2:6-8). Therefore, at SWPM we seek to balance prophecy and liberty issues in our content. There is nothing in pretribulational eschatology that tends toward passivity or negativity. Christian influence in these last days can be and should be transformative, not only on an individual level, but on a national and global level. At SWPM, we desire to be part of that kind of liberty movement!