This is the book and DVD combination of an end times trilogy that attempts to chronologically order the biblical prophecies that occur between now and the second coming of Jesus Christ. Book one is called Revelation Road, Hope Beyond the Horizon, and it concluded with the end of the Church Age. Apocalypse Road covers the prophecies that seemingly happen in the interval between the Rapture and the seven-year Tribulation Period like, the Gog of Magog invasion of Israel prophesied in Ezekiel 38, the formation of the global world religion called Mystery Babylon, the ride of the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the arrival of the Antichrist, the martyrdom of the 5th Seal Saints, the revealing of the 144,000 Jewish witnesses, the identity of the 2 Witnesses and more. This book combines a novel with a biblical commentary and the DVD is 100 minutes of revelatory teachings taken directly from the book.
If you enjoyed the Left Behind series, you will appreciate the biblical explanations provided in Apocalypse Road. It’s all stage setting right now before our eyes! Apocalypse Road, Revelation for the Final Generation, is the final warning to the final generation to get right with the Lord now, before it’s too late!