David and Paula Schnittger have been faithful members of Metropolitan Baptist Church since their return to Oklahoma City. Dr. Schnittger is highly respected as a Bible teacher for our largest adult Sunday School class. Paula is active in a variety of children’s and women’s ministries. Their ministries have strengthened the witness of our church. In addition to his experience in Christian education, counseling, and media, Dr. Schnittger is a man of great faith and prayer.
I am very pleased to recommend Dr. David Schnittger and his new radio program Southwest Prophecy Ministries. David is one of God’s choice servants. He is a very intelligent and capable spokesman for the cause of Christ and Christian liberty. I pray the radio program will be granted broad distribution, as the entire country needs to hear Brother Schnittger’ s voice.
Stepping out on faith and launching a new ministry requires great courage, spiritual vision and determination. But those three factors are missing one critical ingredient. Jesus is the common thread that holds Doc, David and Carol together. And He is the one who prospers and brings blessing. Our favorite saying at Prophecy Watchers is simple. “Trust the Lord.” In this case three special people, all with unique and diverse skills and talents have been brought together for one sole purpose—sharing the exciting message of the Lord’s soon return. Could there be a more important task or greater responsibility? For Gary Stearman and I, we hold you up in prayer and ask God to pour out His blessings on your new ministry and open doors! We’ve been down this road before and we know that God is faithful. Each of you has been created “for such a time as this.” All your hard work is about to pay big dividends—in the present and throughout eternity!
I rejoice in the open door God has given you to launch Southwest Prophecy Ministries. This is long-anticipated and much-welcome news. My prayers and best wishes are with you.
The New Testament commends Christian believers who love the Lord’s appearing. This is a confident expectation of the imminent return of Jesus Christ. Southwest Prophecy Ministries exists to fan a flame of love for Jesus and a lively expectation of His coming. Congratulations to David Schnittger and Carol Rushton and their team. The launch of this media outreach is sure to help believers everywhere look forward to the future with hope and certainty.
Congratulations on the new broadcast! May God use this in a powerful way to bring the truth to thousands of listeners!
I am really happy for you! Congrats!