January 8, 2017 Zechariah and Her Coming King by Dr. David Schnittger
/in Radio Programs /by pschnittgerDr. Schnittger has created an eBook with these messages from Zechariah. You may order HERE.
January 1, 2017 Zechariah: Israel and Her Coming King by Dr. David Schnittger
/in Radio Programs /by pschnittgerDr. Schnittger has created an eBook with these messages from Zechariah. You may order HERE.
December 18, 2016 Zechariah: Israel and Her Coming King by Dr. David Schnittger
/in Radio Programs /by pschnittgerDr. Schnittger has created an eBook with these messages from Zechariah. You may order it HERE.
December 11, 2016 Transhumanism: Recreating Humanity with Josh Matriciana Pt. 3
/in Radio Programs /by pschnittgerTranshumanism: Recreating Humanity is available on DVD. You may order your copy HERE.
December 4, 2016 Transhumanism: Recreating Humanity with Josh Martriciana Pt. 2
/in Radio Programs /by pschnittgerTranshumanism: Recreating Humanity is available on DVD. You may order HERE.
November 27, 2016 Transhumanism Part 1 with Josh Matriciana
/in Radio Programs /by pschnittgerTranshumanism: Recreating Humanity DVD is available for ordering. Click HERE.
November 20, 2016 Corruption in Christian Leadership Pt. 2
/in Radio Programs /by pschnittgerThis broadcast is also available in eBook format. You can order your copy of Dr. Schnittger’s eBook HERE.
November 13, 2016 Corruption In Christian Leadership by David Schnittger Pt 1
/in Radio Programs /by pschnittgerYou can order your copy of Dr. David Schnittger’s eBook HERE.
November 6, 2016 Interview with Gary Stearman on “Time Travelers of the Bible” Pt 2
/in Radio Programs /by pschnittgerOrder your copy of “Time Travelers of the Bible by Gary Stearman.