BREAKING – The fight for America begins: Trump to invoke Insurrection Act that authorizes National Guard, military action inside U.S. borders
Friday, May 17, 2019 by: Mike Adams
This is bombshell breaking news.
According to sources cited by The Daily Caller, President Trump is poised to invoke the Insurrection Act to fight for America’s survival against the ongoing invasion of illegals who are flooding the United States as a tactic to destroy the country from within. The Daily Caller is now reporting:
According to multiple senior administration officials, the president intends to invoke the “tremendous powers” of the act to remove illegal immigrants from the country.
The Insurrection Act, passed by Congress in 1807, allows the president to deploy National Guard and U.S. military troops to combat “rebellion” against the United States of America. The Act has been invoked by other presidents to quell violent uprisings such as the L.A. Riots.
It is clear that President Trump now recognizes the open rebellion against America being committed by the Governor of California, mayors of “sanctuary cities” and fake news “journo-terrorists” who are brainwashing Americans to hate their own country. The ongoing land invasion of the United States of America is an act of war being openly supported by Democrats and Leftists who are using illegal immigration to nullify U.S. voters and overrun the United States with anti-American militants, criminals and terrorists. (See CivilWar.newsfor frequent updates on the coming civil war.) As Stewart Rhodes from Oath Keepers has accurately described, the illegal immigration is designed to import terror cells who plan to carry out a “Tet Offensive” inside the United States, once activated by enemies and traitors who are literally seeking the complete destruction of America.
It has also become obvious over the past few months that the tech giants are waging a coordinated conspiracy to nullify U.S. elections and crush democracy by selectively silencing all conservative voices on the dominant online platforms. This illegal conspiracy — pursued by Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple and other tech giants — represents an online insurrection against the United States of America, which is why I have repeatedly called for the deployment of military police to arrest the CEOs of these tech companies and force the platforms to respect the First Amendment liberties of the American people.
It is time for Trump to deploy the military police to arrest Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey. And that’s just the start of what needs to happen to restore our democracy and the freedom to speak.
- The radical Left is about to be triggered by the treasonous, deep-state run “mainstream” media to launch an attempted communist revolution and violent coup against America.
- Trump fully realizes that a war against America has already begun, and he has decided to take decisive action to defend America using legitimate military forces and all the executive power available to the Commander in Chief.
- California is committing planned treason against America by deliberately flooding the country with illegals and granting them the right to vote, allowing illegals to out-vote Americans in national elections. This is a form of electoral fraud that also stacks the U.S. House of Representatives with California-based members of Congress who are illegitimate.
- Accordingly, California’s electoral college votes, U.S. Senators and members of the House must be nullified and barred from participating in federal legislative efforts or federal election results (such as the 2020 vote for the presidency). California should be banned from participating in all federal elections until the state enforces voter ID requirements and halts widespread, coordinated voter fraud (which is currently openly encouraged by California bureaucrats).
- California has been infiltrated by communist China and is now run by the Chinese. Virtually the entire California media is now owned and operated by communist Chinese, and California’s governor and various mayors are puppets of communist China. They have been promised prominent positions in the Chinese-run “commie California” after the Chinese invasion takes over the West Coast, using California (and the L.A. port) as a beachhead to land troops and stage a land invasion of America.
- The Governor of California must be declared an “enemy combatant” and arrested, then charged with treason against America. If found guilty, he should face the death penalty.
- The Commander in Chief may deploy the National Guard and U.S. military troops to locate and detain domestic enemies who are actively committing acts of treason against America. This does not violate posse comitatus. The military may pursue the eliminate active enemies of America during a time of war, even when they are operating on U.S. soil.
- Once Trump initiates the Insurrection Act, the lawless, deranged Left will immediately declare Trump to be a “military dictator” while calling for Leftists to take to the streets in armed rebellion against the rule of law. Leftists will open fire on Trump supporters, bomb government buildings and attempt to executive police officers and National Guard troops which are deployed to defend America. Pro-Trump Americans need to be prepared to defend themselves against the violence of the lawless Left.
- The Governor of California will almost certainly order California-based National Guard troops to disobey President Trump’s federal orders. This may initiate an actual shooting war in California as Trump asserts federal control over National Guard troops while demanding the arrest of Governor Newsom.
- Although this may not be part of Trump’s plan, technically the Insurrection Act grants the President the power to arrest the CEOs of California’s tech giants which are engaged in open acts of treason against our constitutional republic.
- California looks likely to become the “front lines” of the civil war in America as anti-America forces carrying out treason against America — including Facebook, Google, YouTube, Apple and Twitter, all of which are heavily influenced by communist Chinese infiltration — attempt to overthrow the country and destroy our constitutional republic.
- Pro-America citizens of California — especially those in rural areas — need to be prepared to find themselves on the front lines of an actual shooting war being waged across the West Coast. We urge patriots to avoid initiating violence, but be prepared to help stop it.
- I am calling for all California-based patriots to be prepared to support Trump’s efforts to defend America by supporting the rule of law and supporting the actions of National Guard or U.S. military troops who are fighting for America’s very survival by seeking to root out and eliminate the enemies of America who are operating from the liberal cities of California.
- President Trump likely needs the help of patriotic Americans to defend our borders, defend the rule of law and help authorized forces seek out and detain the treasonous enemies of America who are deliberately trying to destroy this nation from within.
- If you are located in California, be ready to defend yourself against the violence of the lunatic Left, which is planning to unleash an armed insurrection that will target patriots, Christians, conservatives, Trump supporters and white people for extreme violence and murder. (The Left will literally start murdering people based on the color of their skin.)
- If Democrats somehow manage to take the White House in 2020, they will immediately gut the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, unleashing nationwide gun confiscation, flooding the borders with millions of illegals, and arresting or executing all political dissidents (i.e. pro-America voices) in order to silence those with opposing views. We the People must not let Democrats ever seize power in America again, or they will use that power to destroy America and crush all patriots and conservatives. Under the power of Democrats, Christians would be hunted down and executed on sight. All Christian speech would be criminalized and Bibles would be outlawed, along with all civilian ownership of firearms.
- The radical Left is an authoritarian, anti-American cult that has also demonstrated its dangerous lawlessness by censoring all online speech that opposes the deranged delusions of the progressive Left. This is an indicator of their true intent: Total authoritarian rule, complete with speech police and the elimination of those with opposing views. The Left has zero intention of respecting the rule of law, the Bill of Rights or any election laws whatsoever. Every election from this day forward will be stolen or fraudulently altered by Leftists who hate America and despise all pro-American patriots.
- It is time for President Trump to deploy the military police to arrest and remove from power all those in government who are actively engaged in acts of treason, sedition and vote fraud. California’s political leaders must be arrested and prosecuted for running a massive vote fraud conspiracy that attempts to steal elections from American citizens.
Here’s a list of the enemies of America who are committing treason in an actual war effort to destroy this nation from within
All of these traitors must be identified, detained and removed from power by authorized forces before they succeed in destroying this nation:
- Corrupt liberal judges who defy the President’s efforts to secure the U.S. border. It is time to arrest corrupt, anti-American judges and remove them from power.
- Journo-terrorists who pretend to be journalists but are actually anti-American traitors spreading lies, hatred and insanity to indoctrinate liberals and leftists, whipping them up into an attempted “cultural revolution” that has literally driven millions of Leftists to the point of mass mental illness.
- CEOs and top managers of the tech giants, which have now sold out to communist China and are using their power to selectively silence pro-America voices across all search engines, social media and online platforms. These tech giants must be occupied and either shut down or forced to respect a level playing field of online speech.
- Antifa terrorists and other radical left-wing groups that promise an armed insurrection to attempt to overthrow the United States of America.
- Deep state operatives who conspired to carry out a political coup against President Trump. (James Comey, Robert Mueller, John Brennan, etc.)
- Liberal university professors who use their positions of influence to actively recruit students into domestic terrorism organizations such as Antifa.
It is crucial that President Trump knows he has widespread support from the American people
As all of this is about to go down, it is crucial that President Trump knows he has widespread support from the American people to take the actions necessary to defend this nation from its domestic enemies.
We the People will be tasked with supporting these efforts as Trump works to clean house and root out the treasonous traitors who are conspiring to destroy this great nation.
If we all succeed, we may once again restore democracy and the rule of law to America. If we fail, America falls to the authoritarian tyrants, and the nation will be deliberately dismantled and fed to the globalists.
We are now fighting for our lives. We are blessed to have Donald J. Trump as our President as America faces off against treasonous actors, deep state traitors and authoritarian globalists who despise this nation and what it stands for.
Be ready to literally fight for our survival and the defense of our nation. The end game has arrived, and California will be the front lines in the coming war.