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May 2, 2016: A Warning to “Christian” Anti-Semites

By Carol Rushton Over the last twenty-five years, I have noticed an increasingly disturbing trend among Westerners, especially Americans, who call themselves Christians or are Christian leaders – that of a deep, unreasonable, maddening hatred toward Israel and Jews. Israel bashing is all the rage in the United States today. Perhaps that’s to be expected […]

April 29, 2016: The Real Cuba

By Carol Rushton President Obama made history recently by visiting Communist Cuba, something that a sitting U.S. president has not done since Calvin Coolidge in 1928. After Air Force One landed in Havana, the president said that his visit was a “historic opportunity to engage with the Cuban people” and he was “looking forward to […]

April 28, 2016: A Terrorist Is a Terrorist Is a Terrorist

By Carol Rushton Once again, terrorists have pulled off a major terrorist attack. Mere months after the horrific terrorist attacks in Paris in November 2015, ISIS terrorists have set off bombs in an airport and subway system in Brussels, Belgium. These terrorists have murdered over 30 people and wounded hundreds more. Once again, the world […]

April 27, 2016: Corruption in Christian Leadership, Part 6

By Dr. David Schnittger This is the sixth and final article on the subject of “corruption in Christian leadership.”  The purpose of this series is to help you maintain your spiritual freedom by becoming more discerning as to whether corrupt and spiritually abusive leadership has taken over your church or parachurch organization.  This series is […]

April 26, 2016: Corruption in Christian Leadership, Part 5

By Dr. David Schnittger This article is the fifth in a series on the subject of “corruption in Christian leadership.  The purpose of this series is to help you maintain your spiritual freedom by becoming more discerning as to whether corrupt and spiritually abusive leaders have taken over your church or parachurch organization.  We began […]

April 25, 2016: Corruption in Christian Leadership, Part 4

By Dr. David Schnittger, President, Southwest Prophecy Ministries This article is the fourth in a series on the subject of “corruption in Christian leadership.”  The purpose of this series is to help you maintain your spiritual freedom by becoming more discerning as to whether corrupt leaders have taken over your church or parachurch organization.  We […]

April 22, 2016: Corruption in Christian Leadership, Part 3

By Dr. David Schnittger, President, Southwest Prophecy Ministries This article is the third in a series on the subject of “corruption in Christian leadership.”  We began by looking at biblical examples of corrupt leadership.  We considered King Saul as an example of corrupt civil leadership.  Then we considered Hophni and Phineas as examples of corrupt […]

April 21, 2016: Corruption in Christian Leadership, Part 2

By Dr. David Schnittger, President, Southwest Prophecy Ministries This article is the second in a series on the subject of “Corruption in Christian Leadership”.  This series is based on my 40 years of experience in full-time vocational Christian service, both in local churches and parachurch organizations.  It is also based on my training, having earned […]